Author name: oaft

Research : Genomic : Animal Databases : Goat Gene Map Goat Map – INRA, France

Business : Business Development Crop Calculators (Alberta Agriculture) Interactive Business Planner Livestock Calculators (Alberta Agriculture) OMAF Loan Calculator

Government City of Guelph Natural Resources Canada (Canadian Forest Service) Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Journals and Newsletters : Animal Sciences Animal Feed Science and Technology Animal Genetics Animal Reproduction Science BioComplexity Domestic Animal Endocrinology FDA Veterinarian Journal of Animal Science Journal of Dairy Research Journal of Experimental Zoology Journal of Marine Biotechnology Livestock Production Livestock Weekly Mammalian Genome Preventive Veterinary Medicine Research in Veterinary Science Transgenic Research Trends in

Forms/Links : Regulatory : U.S.

Journals and Newsletters : Canadian Journals Biochemistry and Cell Biology Canadian Environmental Protection Canadian Forest Industries Canadian Grain & Livestock Newswire Canadian Journal of Animal Science Canadian Journal of Botany Canadian Journal of Chemistry Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Canadian Journal

White Papers : Functional Foods

Research : Genomic : Plant/Crop Databases : Models and Small Genomes Arabidopsis Genome Resources C. elegans Caenorhabditis ChlamyDB Chlamydomonas Global Expression Studies of the Arabidopsis Genome

White Papers : Bt Corn Bt Corn Pollen impacts on nontarget Lepidoptera: Assessment of Effects in NatureCommentary: Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences 97:8198-8199 Case Study: Bt-MaizeThis case study examines maize (corn) that was genetically engineered to produce a protein that is toxic to certain insects. A gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt),

Journals and Newsletters : General American Association for the Advancement of Science Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology BioTechniques Biotechnology Advances Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics Chromosome Research Current Advances in Genetics & Molecular Biology Developmental Genetics DNA and Cell Biology Enzyme and Microbial Technology Genetic Engineering News Genome Biology Genome Research Genomics Human Genetics Human Genome News

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