Author name: oaft

Research : Genomic : Animal Databases Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals

Journals and Newsletters : Agriculture Acta Oecologia AgBioForum Agribusiness Agricultural Systems Agricultural Water Management Agriculture and Human Values Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Agroforestry Systems American Journal of Botany Applied and Environmental Microbiology Applied Soil Ecology Aquaculture Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Biodegradation Biodiversity and Conservation Biological Conservation Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Chemosphere

Research : Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical ARS Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical DatabasesEcosys: Plant ecological ranges; EthnobotDB: Worldwide plant uses; FoodplantDB: Native American food plants; MPNADB: Medicinal plants of Native America; PhytochemDB: Plant chemicals.

Growers Dairy Farmers of Ontario Ontario Corn Producers Association Ontario Federation of Agriculture Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers’ Marketing Board Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association Ontario Pork Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association Ontario Soybean Growers Ontario Wheat Producers’ Marketing Board

Forms/Links : Exporting/Importing : Canada Agri-Food Trade Program Application for Animal Imports-CFIA (PDF) Application for Export/Import Permit (PDF) Application for Plant Imports-CFIA (PDF) Canada Customs Invoice (PDF) Canadian Automated Export Declaration Export Declaration Form B13A (PDF) Exporting Goods from Canada-A Guide (PDF) Import Animal Embryos (PDF) Import Animal Semen (PDF) Import Commercial Shipments of Animal

Industry BASF Canada Inc. Bayer CropScience Canada BIOENTERPRISE Corporation BIOMAR Inc. Biox Corporation Canadian Seed Trade Association Casco Inc. Cold Springs Farm Limited Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. DuPont Canada Inc. Lingwood Farms Limited Lorama Chemicals Inc. Maxxam Analytics Inc. Monsanto Canada Inc. Ottawa Life Sciences Council Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited Royal Bank of Canada Sim &

White Papers : Transgenic Animals Case Study: Farm Animal (Goat) that Produces Human DrugsThis case study examines in a general way the proposed use of genetically engineered animals to produce protein biologics for use in human therapy, referred to herein as human biologics 1 , human proteins, or transgenic proteins, including the disposition of those

General : Web Links : Government Sites Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaThe Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food promotes the development, adaptation and competitiveness of the agriculture and agri-food sector through policies and programs that are most appropriately provided by the federal government. Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationThe Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 in response to

Research : Genomic : Animal Databases : Fish Genome Project Medakafish Genome-at Japan Rainbow Trout Genome, INRA, France Tilapia Genome Project – at the US

Forms/Links : Regulatory : Canada Guidelines for the Environmental Release of Plants with Novel Traits within Confined Field Trials in Canada Novel Foods: Volume I – Preamble and Guideline Scheme for Notification Novel Foods: Volume II – Genetically Modified Microorganisms and Plants Pest Management: Application for Acceptance in the Pesticide (PDF) Pest Management: Application for

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