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Address: Research Park CentreSuite 307, 150 Research Lane Guelph, ON N1G 4T2 Map It Contact Info: Peter Hannam President T: (519) 821-0882 F: (519) 821-9755 E: [email protected] Website URL: Company: First Line Seeds Mission Statement: To be a progressive seed company dedicated to: 1. Quality products and services 2. Crop research and innovation 3. […]

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Cold Springs Farm Limited Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. DuPont Canada Inc. First Line Seeds Ice Biotech Inc. Monsanto Canada Inc. Norgen Biotek Corporation Novartis Crop Protection Canada Inc. Ottawa Life Sciences Council Performance Plants Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited Toronto Biotechnology Initiative     [ Home | OAFT Info | News | Discoveries | FAQs | Issues Analysis |

Can genetically modified foods be placed on the market without proper testing? It should be realized that it is no simple procedure to have a product accepted for the marketplace. Initially, all new transgenic plants have to be confined in either a greenhouse or a growth chamber. One has to receive permission from the Canadian

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What are insect resistant crops? Insect resistant plants are created by inserting a gene that produces a protein toxic to insects. The most common gene of this type is from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. This gene codes for a protein called the Bt toxin that binds to the gut of the insect and prevents

   Forms/Links: CanBiotech has provided links and PDF form files for the entrepreneur under this tab. Forms/links provided include: Business development forms/files e.g. business plan or component templates. Clinical and regulatory forms for Canadian ag-biotech e.g. forms for novel foods, pest management, plant breeder’s rights, PNT confined trials, variety registration, veterinary biologics and veterinary drugs.Corporate

Address: Queens University Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Map It Contact Info: John Molloy President & CEO, PARTEQ Innovations T: 613-533-2342 F: 613-533-6853 E: [email protected] Website URL: Institution: Queen’s University (PARTEQ Innovations) Commitment: Led by PARTEQ, our non-profit technology transfer agent, we are committed to keeping Ontario on the leading edge of of biological research

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