
Ontario’s Agri-Food sector is in the quality, not quantity business. Achieving that goal requires researchers, marketers and experts in production scaling. Part of the OAFT’s mandate is to be your gateway to this diverse range of experiences and skill sets. Our personel database can help you achieve your goals by supplying expertise and networking in […]

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Monarch Butterfly Researchers Urge Caution in Over-Interpreting Results Academic Researchers and Industry Associations Agree Reports on Bt Crop Impact on Monarch Butterflies Overblown WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 10, 1999) – Several academic experts have urged caution when interpreting the results of a preliminary laboratory study at Cornell university on the effect of Bt corn pollen on

IP Management Conference Guelph, ON, Canada 07/03/2002 URL:   https://www.oaft.org Title Speaker Documents Posted On Branding Canada-Presentation Summary Ginty Jocius, Ginty Jocius & Associates BrandingCanada.pdf 12/03/2002 Trends in Value Chain Management: The Role of IP Systems-Presentation Summary Joe Colyn, Originz LLC TrendsinValueChainMgmt.pdf 12/03/2002 Trends in Value Chain Management: The Role of IP Systems-Presentation Slides Joe

Why can’t “normal breeding” and organic farming supply the world needs for food? Although organic farming may have many admirable attributes, there is no evidence that it can be used on the immense scale and intensity that would be required to produce the quantity of food to sustain a global population. Plant breeders using modern

IP Management Conference Guelph, ON 07/03/2002 URL:   Title Speaker Documents Posted On Branding Canada-Presentation Summary Ginty Jocius, Ginty Jocius & Associates https://www.oaft.org/confDownload.asp?downloadDocId=38 14/03/2003 Trends in Value Chain Management: The Role of IP Systems-Presentation Summary Joe Colyn, Originz LLC https://www.oaft.org/confDownload.asp?downloadDocId=39 14/03/2003 Does it Pay? Trends in IP Marketing and Pricing Practices-Presentation Summary Karen Bender, Senior

Ontario Agri-Food Technologies Annual General Meeting Springfield Golf and Country Club 07/03/2003 – 07/03/2003 URL:   Title Speaker Documents Posted On Ontario Bio-Based Industrial Strategy Dr. Greg Penner, Project Director, Soy 20/20 OBIS.ppt 14/03/2003 New Opportunities for the new Bio-based Industry Dr. Ian Hudson, Global Business Director Bio-based Materials Dupont.zip 14/03/2003

Numerous questions have been asked about agricultural biotechnology. In this section, we try to answer these as accurately as possible. What is “Biotechnology”? Plant biotechnology is so new – can we determine any problems that might be associated with it? Are genetically modified foods labelled? Can genetically modified foods be placed on the market without

Cold Springs Farm Limited Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. DuPont Canada Inc. First Line Seeds Ice Biotech Inc. Monsanto Canada Inc. Norgen Biotek Corporation Novartis Crop Protection Canada Inc. Ottawa Life Sciences Council Performance Plants Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited Toronto Biotechnology Initiative     [ Home | OAFT Info | News | Discoveries | FAQs | Issues Analysis |

Brock University Queen’s University (PARTEQ Innovations) University of Guelph University of Waterloo     [ Home | OAFT Info | News | Discoveries | FAQs | Issues Analysis | Links | Profiles ] Disclaimer

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